Error codes
Error Code 190 y 459
- Reach lost access to this phone number: Contact an administrator with access to the Facebook account associated with the phone number. Go to and follow the indicated steps.
Error Code 0, 3, 10, 190, 131005, 2494006, 190463, 190460, 190458
- Invalid Access Token: The access token has expired, been invalidated, or the application’s access to data has been restricted. Contact an administrator to reconnect the phone number to Reach. If the issue persists, contact Support.
Error Code 4, 80007, 130429, 429
- Sending Limit Reached: The message sending frequency limit has been reached. Try again later or reduce the message sending frequency.
Error Code 131048, 471
- Spam Limit Reached: The spam frequency limit has been reached. Check the quality status in the WhatsApp Business manager and refer to the documentation on frequency limits for more information.
Error Code 131056
- Limit of messages to the same number: Too many messages sent from the sender’s phone number to the same recipient number in a short period. Wait and retry the operation.
Error Code 368
- Temporary WhatsApp account blocked: The WhatsApp Business account is temporarily blocked by Meta due to policy violations. Refer to the Policy Enforcement document to resolve the issue.
Error Code 131031
- Temporary WhatsApp account blocked: The WhatsApp Business account is blocked by Meta due to policy violations or lack of data verification. Refer to the Policy Enforcement document for more information.
Error Code 1, 199, 2, 131000, 133004, 2494085, 131000 2494002, 131016, 13300
- WhatsApp (Meta) Internal Error: Refer to the WhatsApp Business Platform Status page for updated information on Meta’s status. Retry later.
Error Code 33
- Business Phone Verification: The business phone number has been removed to verify its correctness. For further assistance, contact Support.
Error Code 100, 100_33, 100_2593029, 131008, 131009, 131009_2494010, 131009_2494073, 131051, 135000, 1108, 408, 410, 1002, 1008, 1009, 1010, 1025, 1013, 1021
- Internal Error: Contact Support for more information.
Error Code 130472, 472
- This contact is part of an experiment: Meta has flagged this contact as an experiment, limiting the reception of template messages. Contact the contact through another method recommended by Meta.
Error Code 131021
- Sender and receiver are the same number: The sender’s and recipient’s phone numbers are the same. The recipient cannot be the sender.
Error Code 131026, 480
- The user cannot receive this message: The message cannot be sent for various reasons, such as an invalid phone number, unaccepted service conditions, or the recipient using an old version of WhatsApp. Confirm the information with the recipient.
Error Code 131042
- Payment Method Issue: The message could not be sent due to payment method errors in the Meta account. Refer to the information on billing for a WhatsApp Business account.
Error Code 131045, 3010
- Unregistered Contact: The message could not be sent due to a phone number registration error. Try registering the contact and sending a new message. If the issue persists, contact Support.
Error Code 131047, 470
- 20-hour Conversation Expired: More than 24 hours have passed since the last recipient response. Start a new conversation via a template.
Error Code 131052, 400
- Problem with Downloading Multimedia: The multimedia content sent by the user could not be downloaded.
Error Code 131053
- Error Uploading Multimedia Content: The multimedia content used in the message could not be uploaded.
Error Code 132000
- Variable Number Mismatch: The variables in the template do not match the defined ones. Verify and fill all variables correctly.
Error Code 132001, 2101, 2102, 2103
- Template Issue: The template does not exist in the specified language, was deleted, or was not approved. Contact an administrator to create a similar template.
Error Code 132005
- Translated Template Too Long: The translated template text is too long. Contact an administrator to create a template with shorter text in that language.
Error Code 132007, 132012
- Template Issue: The template content violates a WhatsApp policy. Verify and correct errors such as duplicates, spelling, or grammar. If the issue persists, contact Support.
Error Code 132015, 132016
- Low-rated Template: The template is paused due to low ratings from customers. Create a new template to improve its quality and retry when approved.
Error Code 1132
- Invalid File Size: Allowed sizes, Audio (16MB), Document (100MB), Image (5MB), Video (16MB).
Error Code 40070
- Undetermined Error: Contact Support for more information.
Error Code 131030, 131030 2655007
- Phone Not Supported by Meta: The recipient’s phone number is not on the list of supported numbers in the WhatsApp (Meta) system.
Error Code 3000, 3001, 3002, 3003, 3004, 3005, 3006, 3007, 3008, 3009, 410, 430, 432, 433, 500, 1000, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1011, 1014, 1015, 1016, 1017, 1018, 1022, 1023, 1024
- Error with our WhatsApp solutions provider: Try resending it, and if the problem persists, contact Support.
Error Code 3010
- Invalid Phone Number: Verify that this contact exists on WhatsApp.
Error Code 402
- Payment Issue with WhatsApp Solutions Provider: Please contact Support.
Error Code 1001, 1101
- Character Limit Exceeded: The character limit is 4096. Send a new message that does not exceed this limit.
Error Code 1_99, 100_33, 100_2018320, 190, 2534041, 200_2534041, 190_464, 230
- Insufficient Permissions: An error occurred due to lack of permissions on the page. Please contact an administrator to reconnect the page to Reach by granting necessary permissions. If the issue persists, reach out to Support.
Error Code 1_1357046, 100_2018047, 100_2018074, 100_2018164, 100_2018008, 100_2018164, 100_2018328, 100_2534015, 100_2534025, 2071010, 2071014, 2071015, 2071016, 2071017, 2071018, 2071019, 2071020, 2071023, 2071024, 2071025, 2534014, 24005
- Internal Error: Please contact Support for further information.
Error Code 2, -1_2018012, 1
- Meta Internal Error: Check the WhatsApp Business Platform Status page for Meta’s status information and try again later.
Error Code 2_2018344
- Terms of Service Not Accepted: The service is temporarily unavailable. Approval of Facebook’s terms of service is required to use this resource. Please contact Support for further assistance.
Error Code 4, 613_2534040
- Exceeded Frequency Limit: The message sending frequency limit has been reached. Please try again later or reduce the frequency of message sending.
Error Code 10_2534022, 10_2018278, 10_2018065
- 24-hour Window Expired: More than 24 hours have passed since the recipient last sent a response.
Error Code 10_2018108, 100_1545041, 551, 551_1545041, 40070, 40071
- Person Unavailable at the Moment: Possible causes include user page blocking, recipient’s privacy permissions, or internal Meta issues. Please retry.
Error Code 10_2018109, 100_2018109
- Invalid File Size: The file size is invalid. The file must be a maximum of 8MB for images and 25MB for other files. Try sending a new multimedia message of the appropriate size.
Error Code 10_2018294
- Corrupt Video: Try sending a new video and contact Support if the issue persists.
Error Code 10_2534037, 2018300
- This Conversation is Owned by Another App: This action cannot be performed as another app owns the conversation. To regain ownership, click Recover and try again. To avoid future issues, contact an administrator to configure which Reach is the primary message receiver.
Error Code 200, 200_2018021, 100_2018027, 100_2018028
- Development Mode Restriction: Sending messages to non-developer, tester, or application administrator users is not allowed. To send messages to other users, the application must not be in development mode.
Error Code 613_2018338
- Meta Warning: You are engaging in behavior that users may find annoying or abusive. You must significantly reduce the speed at which you send messages to this person. Further misuse may result in messaging restrictions on your page.
Error Code 2018321
- Conversation Controlled by Messenger: This conversation is currently controlled by Messenger. Wait for the user to finish the automated question and answer flow and try again.
Error Code 9000001
- Message Deleted: This message has been deleted by the user or the business.
Error Code 190_492, 190_460
- Invalid User Session: Possible causes include not being an administrator, editor, or moderator of the page, 2FA not enabled, or the session invalidated due to a password change. Contact a page administrator to verify these cases and then reconnect the page to Reach.
Error Code 100
- Character Limit Exceeded: The message content must be less than 2000 characters. Try sending a new message with the appropriate text size.
Error Code 100_2018034, 100_2534052
- Empty Message: The message cannot be empty, but must have a valid attachment or text. Try sending a new message with the appropriate content.
Error Code 100_2534038
- Character Limit Exceeded: The message content must be less than 1000 characters. Try sending a new message with the appropriate text size.
Error Code 100_2534080
Unsupported Multimedia: This attachment format is not supported. Supported multimedia files are:
- Video: mp4 (25MB max)
- Audio: acc, m4a, wav (25MB max)
- Image: png, jpeg, gif (8MB max)
Try sending a new message with the appropriate file format.
Error Code 10900, -1_2534023
- Only 1 Private Message per Comment: Meta only allows sending one private message per comment. To send another private message, select another comment.
Error Code 10903
- Cannot Reply to this Comment: Meta does not allow this page to reply privately to this comment. Try replying to another comment.
Error Code 10903
- Error Posting Comment: Meta did not allow posting the comment on this post.
Error Code 10_2534077, 100_2534013, 200_2534067
- Instagram Account Issues: Possible causes include lack of connection between the Facebook page and the Instagram account, the user who connected the page needs 2FA activated, or the Instagram account is not professional. Contact an Instagram account administrator to verify the causes of the error.
Error Code 10_2534025
- Instagram Account Blocked: This Instagram account has been blocked from sending messages. Ensure the account has not violated any Instagram policies.