Virtual Assistant
The virtual assistant is designed to assist Reach users in managing complex customer situations, improving response times, and reducing the onboarding period for new conversations. Its primary focus is to enhance complaint handling and close sales effectively. It utilizes tools such as summaries and retrospectives that help agents refine their management of current interactions.
It facilitates the effective transmission of information in various scenarios, including complaint management and closing sales, as well as other objectives such as follow-ups, handling statements, invitations, and information transmission. This is achieved by analyzing the conversation context and suggesting appropriate responses for each situation.

Main Features
1. Response Suggestions
The assistant analyzes the conversation context to offer suggested responses that enhance the clarity and effectiveness of the dialogue. These suggestions are contextually relevant and designed to facilitate smooth and coherent communication. The agent has the option to modify these suggestions before sending them, adapting them to their personal style or the tone of the conversation.

2. Customizing Suggestions
If the agent wishes, they can adjust the content or format of the assistant’s suggested responses by changing the text, style, or tone of the message. To apply these changes, the agent should click on “Improve,” and the assistant will adjust the suggestion based on the given instructions. The new version will be displayed in the “Suggested Message” section.
If the agent is satisfied with the suggestion, they can click on “Insert” to transfer the text to the composition bar and send the message in the chat. Otherwise, they can request a new suggestion using the “Improve” option or reject it if it is not suitable.

3. Conversation Summary
The assistant also has the ability to generate a detailed summary of the conversation, which includes the most relevant events and actions since its start. This summary is useful for having a clear record of the points discussed and the decisions made during the interaction.
The summary shows the last time it was generated, and the agent can update it at any time by clicking “Generate.” This summary is located in the “Observations” section. Additionally, when transferring a conversation to another agent, a summary will automatically be generated to ensure the new agent is aware of the key aspects discussed with the customer.